
Jennie is an experienced government relations professional with deep knowledge of K-12 and higher education policy. She spent years working at the legislature and managing campaigns. So, she understands the legislative process and can bring a campaign like approach to getting your legislative goals accomplished.

6-10 years

Jennie served as the primary staff member for the House Education Committee.

Jennie Previously served as:
Senior Director of Government Relations and Policy, University of Memphis, 2018-2019. Built and maintained relationships, studied policy initiatives, and advocated for funding before state, local, and Federal officials. Successful in securing capital funding for the Lambuth Campus, a first for the University. Organized the inaugural University of Memphis Legislative Retreat, bringing a record 40 legislators from across Tennessee to the University of Memphis Campus.

Director of Government Relations, State Collaborative on Reforming Education (SCORE), 2014-2018. Represented Tennessee's leading education policy and advocacy organization before the Tennessee General Assembly. Successfully designed and executed a statewide roadshow for a Governor's cabinet member to interact with business and community stakeholders.

Legislative Staffer, Tennessee General Assembly, 2011-2014. Worked for the Tennessee General Assembly in several roles including Research Analyst for the House Education Committee. Developed strong working relationships with key education and business community stakeholders. Maintained a deep understanding of education-related legislation to serve as the primary policy advisor to the committee.

Fundraiser and Campaign Coordinator, Congressman Bill Cassidy, 2010-2011.